Peggy's family had a picnic/surprise birthday party at the Thatcher/Wagner complex at Luke Chute. It was held in honor of Peggy's passing the big 6-0 mark (a few days early, but what's a few days after 60 years?). Many family members came in from all over and we appreciate their attendance. Enjoy the photos.
Thumbnail images only. Contact me if you want a higher resolution image.
Warning tape
Decorations for the special occasion
A colorful banner on a black tablecloth
Gwen's brother, Gwen, and Ronnie awaiting arrival of the special guest.
Mariah and Betty
Birthday cake (by Holly Sampson). Two views of Peggy. (She was actually only 48 in the photo on the right taken at Kathy's wedding -- but what
does a few years matter at 60?) Barbed wire and chicken motif represent significant events in her life.
Kay Pugh arrives
Reserved seat for the guest of honor, complete with walking cane and "You're no spring chicken"
Casey with her beau
Hiding around the corner so Peggy won't see them when she pulls in.
Peggy figures out she's been had ...
Peggy with Kay Pugh
The guest of honor takes her seat
Admiring the cake
Opening cards and gifts. Note old person's walker. Peggy (with back to camera), Grandma Jean, Gwen's brother, Gwen, Donnie, Vicky, and
Opening the potato pouch made by Grandma Jean.
If the walker gets lost ...
Warning/caution signs
Peggy tooting her horn
Ronnie, Grace and family playing the traditional cornhole game
Most of the crowd ..
The Waterford five ...
With their mother ...
Ronnie, showing perfect form (it went in!), and Grace
Vicky Wagner showing how it's supposed to be done
Carson getting a boost onto the pony
Carson atop his steed
Cheyenne mounting from the right (this horse doesn't care apparently)
Cheyenne atop her ride
Donnie did this a long time this afternoon. Thanks!
Cheyenne getting the hang of it -- going solo.
Horse riders
The guest of honor gets a ride, too.
Carol getting some tips
Carol riding solo
The Sampson family: Cheyenne, grandma Carol, and Carson
Roger showing off his cowboy form. First time on a horse since he was 17. Some of it came back. However, his back and neck hurt the rest of
the week.
Ri takes her turn.
It wasn't that bad !!!