Photos from the hail storm. There were tornados around us, but we were spared. Wasn't too serious here, but lightning and hail caused a lot of damage. We will likely have to replace our shingles (again). The pickup has a few dents on the passenger side and the hood. We lost most of the mulch we had put out 4 days ago.
Thumbnail images only. Contact me if you want a higher resolution image.
These were picked up right by the pickup truck. A few minor dents on the passenger side and on the hood. Barely noticeable. Neighbor had
broken windshield, tail light, and many dents.
Hail coming down
Hail piled up on deck
On front step
the patio
Under the weeping cherry. Half those leaves are the neighbor's silver maple
You can tell which way the wind was blowing.
Hail hammered the fire pot on the patio.
One of the bigger ones. Note that the glass table is intact. Neighbors were not so lucky. Theirs was broken.
Pile of hail on the deck steps. This was still there the following day nearly 24 hr later when we went to clean up.
At the bottom of a downspout. Just to the right the dark area is the water level from our mini flash flood due to the sudden fast rainfall.
More leaves plastered on the deck posts
Aftermath: This is what it looked like in the morning.
Still some standing water.
The mulch beds washed out
Leaves and twigs in the yard
Leaves on the patio
The weeping cherry looking a little decimated.
Leaves on the roof most from the neighbor's trees.
I thought the leaves would blow off before I got out of the subdivision, but they were like glued on and most were still on there when I got to