Some photos from Roger's recent conference in Prague.
Thumbnail images only. Contact me if you want a higher resolution image.
Georges Simard teaching tutorial on Monday.
Georges Simard -- we met in this same location at least twice.
Cathedral in castle on the hill
A modern bridge in Prague near the convention center
view from convention center
CIRED exhibit
Red-hooded knight guarding the door
Our Scottish friends following their cell phone to find us.
Street view in old part of town
Selling some of the famous Bohemian Crystal. (This area used to be called Bohemia and was part of Austria at one time.)
Street cafeteria
A couple of famous astronomers worked out of Prague
Departing the tram stop for the Monastery
Entrance to the Monastery
That's what it was called.
Church inside the gates
Restaurant buildings
Nice shot
Another view of the place
Massive gate
The two main IET gals who were keeping it organized.
Greeters at the Gala reception
Reception location
A nearby tower
View of Prague from the monastery.
Close up of the rooftops. According to friends who were there, Prague was a dirty and dark city when the Communists were in power. You can
see a few buildings that are still not cleaned up, but there has certainly been a change.
The cathedral at Prague Castle.
Nice photo of bridge
The spires on this church remind you of Cinderella's castle at Disney. The famous astronomic clock tower is the lighter-colored one to the right.
View back toward the entrance to the monastery.
I wasn't supposed to take this, but I did.
Chances are, these say the same thing.
Menu of the main restaurant at the site.
Looking back up at the CIRED reception from below.
More red roofs
Typical cobblestone street near the castle
Roger and Alfons Sillaber from Innsbruck Austria.
Dancer at Gala gets a lift
Dancers at Gala. Usually some kind of lively polka.
Carmen gets a dance
Table-mates at the Gala
Simon Blake from Durham Univ and a couple of folks associated past or present with Strathclyde Univ in Glasgow. Robert Currie in the middle helped with our Tutorial on Monday.
Brazilian friends
More Brazilian friends
Roger with two colleagues from universities in Brazil. Antonio Padhila-Feltrin and Carmen Borges.
Andrew Keane (l.) University College-Dublin and friends.