Roger's IEEE meeting was in Denver this year, so we took advantage of that to visit Kevin and Sarah in Colorado Springs. We finally got to go to the top of Pike's Peak. And we celebrated Kevin's 39th birthday while we were there. We also celebrated our 43rd wedding anniversary there it a dinner in a quite memorable place: the Buckhorn Exchange in Denver.
Thumbnail images only. Contact me if you want a higher resolution image.
Starting up the Pikes Peak toll road
View from the switchbacks
There was still snow on the northern side
At the top. Kevin and Sarah
At the top
View to the west
Communications on top of PIkes Peak
This is the way a lot of the top looks.
America the Beautiful was written here.
Cog railway
Kevin and Sarah at the top
Proof we made it
Kevin's 39th birthday at the Marigold restaurant in Colorado Springs
My dinner at Marigold. Was quite Yummy. Nice sauce
Kevin pondering his birthday wish.
Blowing out his candle. The creme brulee was really good.
Colorado state capitol
Denver Art Museum
Denver Art Museum
Walking back to the Sheraton downtown
Peggy and Kevin at the Buckhorn Exchange.
Our dinner at the Buckhorn exchange.
The view from our table.
This guy was right around the corner
I'd hate to run into either of these guys on the trail ...
Little critters at the Buckhorn exchange.
Anniversary portrait (43rd) taken at Buckhorn Exchange in Denver