Photos, mainly from the conference banquet, for the ISGT Europe conference.
Thumbnail images only. Contact me if you want a higher resolution image.
Midland Hotel where the conference banquet was held. Built in 1800's as a railroad hotel.
Nando Ochoa tidying up after a session.
Jason Taylor on the phone with Jeff Smith in the Exhibit Hall.
The old central rail station that is now part of the convention center.
Music hall nearby.
Another shot of the music hall.
Many days, they could run a windmill here easily.
Tree in foyer of Midland hotel
Close up of tree in foyer of Midland.
People waiting for dinner in the foyer.
View in the hotel
Hallway leading to dinner.
Special person #1: Matt Wakefield got an invite to the "top" tables.
Special person #2: Really, I got an invite, too!
Most of a string quartet that entertained us.
Brian Stott (of Stott decoupled power flow fame) and Damir Novosel.
Aidan Tuohy, Joe Schatz (So. Co.), and Jason Taylor at dinner.
Pierluigi and I have this relationship based on food.
Edinburgh and Strathclyde folks. Gareth Harrison (L) and Graham Ault (R).
Vladimir and I comparing heads. God made some heads beautiful.
Francois Bouffard (C) and friends.
Nicholas Etherden (STRI), Math Bollen (famous power quality author), Kerstin Linden (ABB HVDC) and my good friend
Francisc Zavoda (IREQ/H-Q).
Sasa Djokic (R) was a student at UMIST when Mark McGranaghan and I taught short courses there.
Nando Ochoa and Lina Bertling. Lina just married and is now Lina Bertling Tjernberg, but she said she would still answer to Lina Bertling. Good
thing because I'm not entirely certain how to pronounce Tjernberg.
Phillip Douglass (Danish Technical University) who is looking for the Linux version of OpenDSS, Dave Cartes (FSU Inst for Energy Systems,
Economics, and Sustainability) and Steve McArthur (Strathclyde).
Lights on the entrance to the Midland Hotel
another view of the tree in the foyer
Ahhhh, now this is a chair!