It had been a long time since we had gotten much of the family together to visit with Dad. Kathy and the kids, Samantha and Peyton, flew into
Columbus on July 5 and we (Peggy and Roger) picked them up at the airport. The next day we went to the farm in McConnelsville and surveyed
the recent storm damage and inspected Zach's remodeling efforts. Later, we were joined be Jim, Jeri and the Kinney girls at Dad's place. Then
we all went to dinner at the pizza place on Rt 60 North where we were joined by Karen and David Kinney, Tom and BZ Dugna, and, later, Zach
Dugan. Samantha and Peyton were anxious to see their cousins they hadn't seen for a long time and couldn't really remember. It was a short visit,
but it was good to get everyone together. It was hot! About 100 degrees all weekend!
Roger Dugan
Thumbnail images only. Contact me if you want a higher resolution image.
Storm damage to red barn
Damage to the chicken house (to be torn down)
Damage to hog house (to be torn down)
Inside the farm house that Zach is renovating
Peyton in the living room area
Back side of old plaster lath.
Peyton on west side of red barn. More storm damage visible.
New color of vinyl siding Zach is adding.
Storm damage to red barn from inside
Storm damage to old barn at Tom and BZ's place. It's amazing more slate didn't come off and it didn't blow down.
BZ's salt water pool
Kathy surprising Grandpa
Dad (Grandpa) getting a good look at his first wave of visitors.
Jim and Jeri Kinney's clan arrives. Riley and Emily (17 and driving!)
Tom arrives and surveys the scene. Samantha Schumann, Macey Kinney, and Kathy Schumann.
"Grandpa Farm"with 5 of his great-grandchildren. Samantha, Riley, Emily, Macey, Peyton
Peyton giving all those girls the wary eye!
Playing Battleship on the floor while waiting to go to dinner
Couch potatos
Peyton planning his next salvo
Dinner at the Pizza place. Not the best picture, but it is hard to catch BZ. I got this when she wasn't expecting it.
A view down the table. Peggy and Zach missing
View back the other way.
Jim, David, Jeri, Tom, BZ. Macey and Samantha with backs to camera
Samantha, Macey, Karen, Riley, and Emily
2nd cousins Samantha and Macey
1st cousins: Kathleen Dugan Schumann (Roger), Jim Kinney (Karen), Zach Dugan (Tom).