Touring San Antonio

Roger had a conference in San Antonio and Peggy went with him, since that is one of her favorite places to visit. We went a day early and were met by Greg and Meredith who came down from Dallas. Then we all invaded the Galles household and took an enjoyable trip to Gruene, Tx where we ate at the Gristmill and did some antique shopping. Meredith had to leave for Florida but Greg stayed and we toured around the Riverwalk. The photos are actually out of order with the Riverwalk tour and Convention photos first followed by the tour with the Galles gang. Enjoy!

Thumbnail images only. Contact me if you want a higher resolution image.

Feeding the duckies on the Riverwalk

Greg and Peg riding river tour boat. Going under a bridge.

Greg surveying the river views

Our tour guide. This was his "second day" driving the boat. Yeah, right.

Along the river

Another view

The Casa Rio. We ate there later.

Greg, Peg, and Roger

Monument by the Alamo

Sign says it all

These guys had just finished a house in Knoxville the week before.


Peggy meets a celebrity

Relaxing at the Rivercenter mall. Was almost 80 degrees. Heard it was snowing in Wisconsin :-)

Dinner time at Casa Rio

Greg looking over the menu

Been there. Done that.

Mariachi band. Trumpet player was pretty good with the triple tongue. He played in another group the next day at the kickoff to our convention.

Shopping for souvenirs.

Ben Stein. Our convention keynote speaker and entertainer. Smarter than he looks sometimes. Surprisingly well-versed in the electric power business. Said we were the 2nd most essential group in America after the military.

Convention floor

Before Conference: Walking through Gruene Texas. Greg, Meredith, Peggy. James in front with Keysa and the kids.

This is the fireplace we ate in front of at the Gristmill. Keysa and the top of James' head. Stranger in back.

Group portrait. Adria, Keysa, James, Kadyn, and Kai Galles; Greg and Meredith Dugan; Peggy Dugan (Roger on the smart end of the camera).

Kadyn and James

Adria and Keysa

Kai and Greg

Boar's head fireplace in the next room

Mr. Corn Dog guy

Say Pizza!

Meredith holding court

Outdoor seating. A little chilly out there, but not compared to Ohio or Wisconsin.

This is where we ate. Since 1977 .... That's not so long ago!

A B&B downtown Gruene

It was what it said it was.

Keysa, Kai, James and Adria (coasting on her skate shoes)

Greg inspecting some so-called antiques. Grandma (Mabel) Dugan would be proud of that red beard since she was alway talking about how her Grandpa Offord (Alexander) had a red beard.
