Wayne and Martha Dugan's 90th Birthday Celebration

Peggy and I traveled to Ventura, CA on Friday the 13th (!) to represent the Ohio (and Tennessee) Dugans at the 90th birthday celebration for Wayne and Martha Dugan. Except for the bad traffic on the 405 leaving LAX airport, there was no bad luck and we had a very enjoyable time seeing family we hadn't seen for many years. Also, Dale McCormick convinced Gene and Margaret McCormick to fly from Ohio to Oakland where they embarked on a tour of California for a week before arriving in Ventura. Wayne and Gene are 1st cousins. We tried to talk Dad (Frank Dugan) into going but were unsuccessful. Along with the McCormicks, we surprised Wayne and Martha at a dinner at Dan and Judy's house in Ventura. We arrived fashionably late due to the traffic.

My thanks to Glenda (and Bob?) for making a wonderful strawberry-rhubarb cobbler. That's my favorite birthday treat, too. Peggy makes it for me every year, as my mother did before her. It's probably a June thing since my birthday was the prior week. Our thanks also to Craig, Dan and Judy for also being terrific hosts and keeping the secret of our arrival.

On Saturday, we attended the birthday celebration at the place where Wayne and Martha now live. Their whole family was there except for the great-grandchildren who stayed in Seattle. Afterwards, we toured around Ventura and had dinner with the McCormicks at their hotel before departing for Tennessee early the next morning. At 5 AM on a Sunday morning there is no traffic on the 405 to LAX!

Enjoy the photos!


Click on photo or its link for larger image.

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Martha and Wayne at Dan and Judy's for dinner Friday night before the main celebration

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Judy, Glenda with Linda McCormick

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Bob and Peggy share a laugh

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Dale and Linda McCormick

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Peggy leading the conversation around the table.

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Dan, Judy, and Craig

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Peggy relaxin in the hotel before the party on Saturday.

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Judy and Glenda greeting guests and directing them to parking spaces.

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This is the main building at the place where Wayne and Martha live.

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View inside.

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Wayne and Martha greeting arrivals at the party

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Peggy, Wayne, Roger, and Martha

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Peggy and Meighan meet again. That's little Josh in the background. Glenda to the left

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Margaret and Gene McCormick

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Craig with Dale McCormick

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The lady on the right was Margaret Broedel Dugan's roommate in Columbus. They lived for years in Binghamton, NY and retired to Ventura where they joined the same church as Wayne and Martha. Small world.

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Emcee Craig ..

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Dan making a point or two.

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The Sweet Adelines entertained

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Comparing grandchildren and children

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Bob, Craig, and Dan

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Cousins Gene McCormick and Wayne Dugan

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View of the room.

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Only 2 candles?

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Still got some wind ...

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Peggy and Linda

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The whole family

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Direct descendants

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The California branch of the Dugans

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Cousins Gene and Wayne with spouses.

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Cousins, uncles, and nephews. Gene and Wayne are 1st cousins (their mothers were sisters). Dale is Gene's nephew; Roger is Wayne's nephew.

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Entire family that came for the celebration: Meighan Dugan Zimmerman (front, kneeling). 1st Row: Judy Dugan, Margaret McCormick, Martha Dugan, Bob Dugan. 2nd Row: Linda McCormick, Gene McCormick, Roger Dugan, Wayne Dugan. Back Row: Dale McCormick, Josh Dugan, Peggy Dugan, Dan Dugan, Craig Dugan, Glenda Dugan.

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Another photo of the cousins and spouses.

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Dining room

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Wayne leading a tour

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Statue in the yard

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Meighan and Martha Walking to Wayne and Martha's apt

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Wayne and Dale enroute to the apartment

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The out of town guests getting a tour of the apartment

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Margaret in the piano room. We heard her playing and went to look.

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Margaret doing a little playing

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Wayne and Peggy share a laugh

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Meighan and Martha

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The famous Offord "haying" photo and the Dugan crest of arms

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Outside the apartment

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Peggy on the beach in Ventura. Yes, it was cold and windy

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Dinner with the McCormicks Saturday nite.