We traveled to Sun Prairie to celebrate Christmas with Scott, Kathy, Samantha, and Peyton Schumann. We were greeted by snow and colder
temps than we have been used to. We accompanied Peyton to Karate. Scott's sister, mother and stepfather came up Christmas Eve and we
opened their gifts. Then we prepared for Santa and he apparently came because there was a pile of gifts around the tree Christmas morning.
Enjoy the photos.
Also check www.dropshots.com/rcdugan for any videos we might put up there.
Thumbnail images only. Contact me if you want a higher resolution image.
Getting ready for karate.
Joined by a classmate (her first time)
Stiking a pose
Yeah, she went to school dressed like this.
Play house was decorated, too
Getting cozy with Nana
Eating with attitude
Making snow fort
Peyton helping dig
Santa Peyton eating lunch
Getting ready to open gifts from Scott's family
Scott and Kathy
Peyton and Mommy
Scott's sister, Nana, Grandma, Sammie
Pat with his White Elephant gift
See the video at www.dropshots.com/rcdugan
The castle took an hour to build
Checking Norad for Santa's progress
Putting out the reindeer food
Reindeer food scattered on the snow
This year Sam did the reading and hardly missed a word
Pappy "threw up the sash"
After Santa came
Ready, set, .... Go!
Surprised at fish Santa left
Feeding the fish
What was Santa thinking?
Look how strong I am!
Nana, this is how this works ..
Starting to get buried in paper
Star Wars still popular
Santa's leftovers
Nana gets a nice carry-on bag from Greg and Meredith
thank you Nana
Kathy in her usual pose
Yes, that's paper ... and they loved it!
From Grandma Jean
You look pretty, Mama
Uhhhh, that one said "Pappy" not "Peyton"
about to open the sewing machine (see video on www.dropshots.com/rcdugan)
the Night Fury never misses!
An AT-AT !!
Buried in giftwrap
Typical fatherly duty after opening gifts.
What was Santa thinking?
Here's how you load it...
What was Santa thinking?